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The arctic wind has carried you on HomeLinks - Svalbard, Expedition to the Arctic


Svalbard on the Web

For more information on Svalbard, please visit the following websites:

  • University Centre in Svalbard: the UNIS is in Longyearbyen and is the northernmost university in the world. The main subjects are Arctic biology, Arctic geology, Arctic geophysics and Arctic technology.
  • Svalbard Flora: visit this website for information about the native flora of Svalbard and the varieties which were introduced. The website is rich in pictures and information about all the plants of the islands.
  • Svalbard Insects: this website is entirely dedicated to the S.P.I.D.E.R. project (Svalbard Pictographic Invertebrate Database and Educational Resource). It offers information about the land and water invertebrates of Svalbard.
  • Svalbard Archaeology: this interesting website is designed to document and map the history of Svalbard. A journey through the ruins of the Arctic Coal Company and the Old Longyear City.
  • Svalbard Museum: it is located in Longyearbyen, inside the Svalbard Science Centre. The museum provides information about the nature, culture, landscapes, human activities, technology and environment of the Arctic.
  • Spitsbergen Airship Museum: aso in Longyearbyen, this museum is dedicated to the three Arctic expeditions of the airships America, Norge and Italia.
  • Spitsbergen Travel: this is the website of the travel agency in Longyearbyen, which provided the guides for our journey.
  • Poli Arctici: this is the website of the travel agency belonging to Stefano Poli, the Italian guy who lives and works as a guide on Svalbard.
  • Governor of Svalbard: website of the Svalbard Government. It provides information about the environment, the citizenship, work, laws and history of the islands. Advice on how to organize a trip to Svalbard is also given.
  • Geological Database for Svalbard and Jan Mayen: it is a huge online database of geological maps of the Svalbard islands drawn on different scales.

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