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Trekking in Arctic

Excursions on Svalbard

The archipelago of the Svalbard islands allows expeditions at every level. You can simply walk on the beach covered with ice plates, in the tundra, on the mountains, on the glaciers and on the endless snow plateau.

Trekking on the main Island of Spitzbergen involves staying at two base camps from where you depart for daily expeditions.

The section dedicated to trekking on the website is subdivided into categories such as events, situations, activities supplemented with advice and reflections.

  • Camping on Svalbard: life at the two base camps. How we lived, what we ate, what we did.
  • Trekking on Svalbard: excursions into the mountains and across the glaciers. Walking on the snow, in the tundra and on rocky soils. Discover how our trips were organized.
  • Cruise to the Svalbard: find out more about our adventure in the Arctic ocean. Details about our boat trips to the base camps and the settlements. Our time on land and life on the boat.
  • 80th parallel north: the milestone we celebrated with a toast. Reaching the 80th parallel is not always possible due to the ice flow.
  • Trekking advice: Everything you need to know for a trekking adventure on Svalbard from training, through to what to take with you and life at the camps.
  • Trekking equipment: What to wear for trekking in the Arctic, what to take and what to leave at home.
  • Summer weather on Svalbard: Details about summer weather conditions. Sun, snow, ice and ongoing winds.
  • Vegetation on Svalbard: discover the tundra and the vegetation on Svalbard – moss, lichens and flora.
  • Protection and safeguard: Svalbard is a huge natural park. Everything you need to know to protect and safeguard this ice paradise.
  • Travel notes: feedback about my travel to Svalbard. Positives and negatives about my journey, what I liked and what I disliked.

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