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Svalbard islands

The islands of the arctic archipelago of Svalbard

The archipelago of Svalbard islands is situated between 74° and 81° north, which principal settlement, Longyearbyen, is about 1600 km form the Arctic Polar Cirlce and about 1300 km from the North Pole.

It’s made up of the Spitsbergen‘s island, the biggest one, Nordaustland, north-east, and Edgeøya, east. North to the last one, and separated by Freemannsundet’s canal, there is the island Barentsøya and, southward, the very small Negerpynten.

South of Edgeøya there is a group of over 40 islands and islets, named Tusenøyane (Thousand islands).

Leaving Widgefjorden we find northward the small island Moffen. West to Spitsbergen the canal Forlandsundet separates the long shaped island Prins Karls Forland.

North to Nordaustland there is the little group of Sjuøyane (Seven islands), made up of Phippsøya, Martensøya, Nelsonøya, Waldenøya, Tavleøya, Vesle Tavleøya and Rossøya. And, east, there are the islands Storøya and Kvitøya.

South-east to Nordaustland we find the little group of three islands named Kong Karls Land and made up of Svenskeøya, Kongeøya e Abeløya.

South-east to Edgeøya, in Barents Sea, there is the long and thin little island of Hopen.

The southernest island, in the Norway Sea, is Bjørnøya.

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